The HomeTicker price is 48.50 € excl.VAT

Please select your geographic area :
"No shipping" means you will be incharge of the shipping. The package will be available at our corporate office in Hauts de Seine, France.
Pick the parcel up yourself at our office
or share your UPS account number
or order a haul carrier to pick up the package

Click on the express option to select if you want a faster shipping

HomeTicker quantity :

Select your interface option

With this selected option, you have everything you need, a MicroGateway to manage the HomeTIcker and connect to the Wifi or RJ45, and a AC power. You only need a AC wall socket.

Select your AC plug type

HomeTicker € 48.50
Interface option € 25.00
Shipping select
VAT ---
Total ---

Click on the Pay button, fill in the fields and make the payment.

Pay with a crypto-currency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ShapeShift or Lightning)
BTC Pay Button
Pay with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express)
CC Pay Button

If you are a company, please contact us and we can offer VAT free (incase outside France) and volume discount.